You are reserving a table at:

Café Wilder
Wildersgade 56
1408 København K

It's only possible to make a reservation for Dinner

When booking a table outside, please note that we cannot block a table indoors in case of bad weather and if you do not wish to make use of your reservation, we appreciate you letting us know. Please note that table reservations are reserved for dining guests only.

We cherish the Wilder atmosphere…
Wilder has its very own charm, and it thrives best when everyone has plenty of space. Therefore, a company can max. be 6 people with us. For everyone's sake It is not possible to book several tables at the same time / same day to obtain seats for one group / company. Reservations made in this way are considered invalid. The reserved tables will be allocated to other guests.

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The below comment area is for service information only! The table plan is a puzzle that we have to figure out every day, so we do not guarantee places.

Your booking is completed with ID: {bookingid}. Above is a summary of your selections. We look forward to seeing you.

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